Monday, June 27, 2016

Getting Started for RTK users

One of the best reasons to use an LDP is that there's only one set of coordinates for each point in the county.  No scale factors, no localizations.  Once the files are set up and the RTK base is on a point with valid coordinates, all points measured and stored are related to each other by ground distance and angle.

No more shooting the same point over and over in different projects with different North/East coordinates.

To get started, a brief how-to (fieldwork setup and procedures) is located here
This is primarily for RTK single base users.  RTN will be addressed in later posts but the point numbering and occupation times are still valid for RTN as well as RTK.

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Vasileios (Vas) Kalogirou, RPLS, PLS Vice President, Survey Practice Leader Halff Associates National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is updating both...