First, a quick examination
of a SurvCE raw file. Here’s a portion
of a raw file of mine:
Defined: SSO-RichardsonCo
GRX1 SN:GRX1/S 665-00170
File: None
Separation File: \DCFiles\NebKsMoArea.gsf
Scale: 1.00000000
Point not used
Configuration by Previously Surveyed
Used: 316
Rod Hgt: 5.282
Type: [SOKGRX1
NONE],RA0.0890m,SHMP0.0552m,L10.1101m,L20.1061m,--TPS p/n:01-090101-08
Type: [SOKGRX1
NONE],RA0.0890m,SHMP0.0552m,L10.1101m,L20.1061m,--TPS p/n:01-090101-08
Method: CMR+, Device: Internal Satel
HR: 5.9055, Vertical
35360.5788,E 134662.1040,EL932.4832,--2 424
Readings: 120
of 120
Readings: 120
of 120
Min: 35360.5657 Max: 35360.5932
Min: 134662.0903 Max: 134662.1156
Min: 932.4576 Max: 932.5045
Avg: 35360.5788 SD: 0.0052
Avg: 134662.1040 SD: 0.0042
Avg: 932.4832 SD: 0.0103
Avg: 0.0192 SD: 0.0001 Min: 0.0190 Max: 0.0199
Avg: 0.0272 SD: 0.0005 Min: 0.0260 Max: 0.0283
Avg: 0.6906 Min: 0.6812 Max: 0.6930
Avg: 0.9796 Min: 0.9345 Max: 0.9925
Avg: 1.1986 Min: 1.1564 Max: 1.2105
of Satellites Avg: 17 Min: 17 Max: 18
As you can see, I record
all the accuracy information that Carlson offers. I record the number of readings, max / min /
etc. I maintain this “unedited” raw file
for legal reasons but usually will process my raw files into what I call a
“Packed” format which is what you need for submitting to the Online
database. Basically there are only a
couple of things that need to be done:
- Convert the Elevation (in the line starting GPS) from the L1 Phase Center to the ground.
- Remove all extraneous lines so all you have is the Lat/Long/HAE.
Here is the process I use.
I wrote a little program that takes the line reading LS,HR6.2667 (which is the
L1 rod height) and subtracts that height from the elevation listed on the GPS
line. For the GPS shot (Point 0284E09) the calculation would be the height above
ellipsoid in meters (255.638283) minus the rod height (6.2667) in feet.
HAE = L1 – Rod, or HAE =
255.638283 - 1.910 = 253.7282.
If the base station (from
the line that starts with BP,) has an accurate NAD83(11) position, then that is
the only conversion necessary.
The program called
“PackRaw.exe” does the computation above, and strips out all
the unnecessary lines, leaving JUST the GPS shot. I’ve also supplied the QB64
basic source code PackRaw.bas if you want to see how the program is written.
This program is written in
QB64 basic and is designed to be as small as possible. Put the executable in
the same directory as your raw file because you have to type in the raw file
name. The program creates a second file with the same name and adds “Pack”
which is the stripped-down version of the raw file. As an example an input file
named “RichCo.rw5” will create a file named “RichCoPack.rw5”
Running the program, the
output for this raw file would look like this:
The program puts a
“revised” rod height in (zero), and then leaves only the GPS shot. This is the
basis for the file to submit.
I record all the accuracy
data so my raw files get pretty large. I create a “Packed” file every couple of
months and keep the unedited raw file for archive purposes.
Once you have a packed raw
file run it through WinDMS-DDEG selecting conversion 15. The
GPS, PN line structure is stripped off and leaving the Point, Latitude,
Longitude, Height, Description. Verify the point number is the correct point ID
and rename the text file to the requested format (LSnumber-Date-Frame.txt) and
Hope this helps. If you spot a mistake or want more information let me know. If you have similar routines that you use with equipment other than Carlson let me know. Thanks.
Hope this helps. If you spot a mistake or want more information let me know. If you have similar routines that you use with equipment other than Carlson let me know. Thanks.
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